Our values
Our values, requirements to work at ATom-solutions, are our fundamentals. They are cultivated every day through our missions with our clients and during our seminars and/or webinars. It's our strength for our customers.
Soft skills
Working with consultants well-rounded, motivated and proud to represent ATom-solutions
Getting involved, exchanging and sharing for efficiency
Offering teams with a strong interpersonal skills
Hard skills
To make it short : "Straight to the point, make it simple"
Covering the whole project governance fields & knowing how to facilitate appropriation
Putting our skills at the service of the customer
Our HR policies
Reciprocity, again reciprocity, always reciprocity !
We ask our consultants to show a real team spirit and we do our best to make them proud to belong to ATom-Solutions. The mutual aid allows us to improve ourselves and to answer our clients with the greatest pro-activity.
On the Direction side, a strong HR and operational monitoring of our team is highlighted. It's translated with a day-to-day support on the missions as well as special attention to each individual's personal developments. A team meeting is scheduled weekly, so that everyone can express himself and evacuate critical issues by sharing them with the ATom-solutions community.
Our team
Consultants from ATom-solutions support you in France and abroad.
Geographical implantation
Breakdown by our offers
Our reputation and professionalism are made every day through our human values and skills, as well as our supervision and our experimented directors, always involved.
This is why our engagements to our customers, is to give all the tools to our team to be fully competent on missions (trainings, operational supervision). That Triptych : customers’ needs / team personal development / continuous supervision from the direction, is one of our main linchpin for our global development.
Don't wait anymore & apply!
See all our last job offers in LinkedIn.
If no offer matches your profile, send your application to thomas.dubourg@atom-solutions.fr.